WordPress Logins

Recently, in order to increase the security and performance of the UMW website, we made some changes to the way logins are handled. For the time being, you will need to be either on-campus, or logged into VPN in order to login to the website. … [Read more...]

Urgent Server Updates

Late this evening, the server administrators in IT will be performing some urgent updates and upgrades to the Web server. During that process, we will be turning off the current version of the website, and automatically directing visitors to a backup copy of the site. Any changes you make to the site today will be temporarily lost until the maintenance is completed. If you need any urgent changes made to the site during this maintenance window, please let us know by emailing webmaster@umw.edu. If you are a content manager, you should have received an email message with more information about these upgrades in your email. … [Read more...]

Security Bulletin: Social Media Widget Plugin Removed

Anyone that was using the "Social Media Widget" plugin might have noticed that it's missing from your site. Unfortunately, we had to remove the plugin immediately, as we were informed that it included malware. Basically, the plugin was injecting links into your pages that led back to various spam sites. If you are interested in reading more details about the issue with the plugin, you can read the security bulletin at Sucuri. If you were using Social Media Widget, and you need to find a replacement, please email us at webmaster@umw.edu so we can help you investigate possible alternatives. … [Read more...]