Division Policy Manuals Live on Web Site

You may not get excited about this kind of thing, but I'm enough of a geek to think it's the bees knees! Now, each major division has a "policies" page that loads directly from an XML feed from BoardDocs. Translation: Our UMW Policies Manual is shaping up, and the days of disjointed online policies are OVER. Check out these pages: President: http://president.umw.edu/policies Provost: http://provost.umw.edu/policies Administration and Finance: http://adminfinance.umw.edu/policies Advancement: http://advancement.umw.edu/policies Student Affairs: http://students.umw.edu/policies Foundation: http://foundation.umw.edu/policies … [Read more...]

Publishing Policies on the UMW Website

As you may or may not know, the official UMW policy repository on the web is in Board Docs. Board Docs is used by the BOV to organize meetings and post minutes. However, it also has document management functionality. The trouble is, it's separate from the UMW website and not terribly intuitive to navigate to and through. Did you know we now have a cool new Wordpress tool that allows you to publish your policies from Board Docs onto your website? If you've been wondering what to do about navigating your users to your official policies now that Board Docs is the official University-wide policy manual, fear not! We've got you covered! Visit the tutorial for more information > … [Read more...]