The New UMW Web Site: Adjusting to the Change

The new site is very different in many ways. For those of us who use it every day, it’s been disorienting. Improvements and refinements are on the way as we receive feedback and complete some features that there were no time for prior to migration. Here are some tips to help with navigating the new site based on feedback we’ve received so far:

Where is the A to Z Index?

The A to Z index was used by a lot of people working on campus. Unfortunately, the size of the index had grown so large that it was no longer manageable manually, and we were constantly fielding requests for changes, additions, adjustments. In short, we could not scale it well now that the site has grown so large. In lieu of the A to Z index, our most visited, requested, and helpful links are in a section called — you guessed it — “Helpful LInks.” You will find this link on the upper-right hand side of every page in the site.

Helpful Links in Orange

It's an orange link on the upper pages...

Blue Helpful Links

...and a blue link on the sub-pages.






Where is the Directory?

The directory is no longer there, but there are other new quicker options that we think improve access to names and numbers. We understand these will take some getting used to. In the search box on every page in the site, you will see an option to search “People.”  This will get you the name of the person you are looking for without having to first go to the “directory” page. With “People” checked, you can even type in the name of an office to get the staff there. Of course, you’ll get anyone with a last name matching that office as well, but it’s a nice feature. For those of you missing the old directory, stay tuned as we rebuild it in the “Helpful Links” section for use later in the week. We’ll announce when it’s ready.

Where are the Calendars?

Facilities Reservation Calendars are back online! They had to be re-named due to system changes. You can find them now at All of the other University calendars are linked to from, as before. If you think there is a calendar you want included in that list, please let us know. BUT…

…we do want to pitch for more of you to use Google Calendars rather than lists of events on Web pages. Then write a short blog post to publicize. If you do this, your department events are viewable and usable by Web sites throughout the University using our Google Calendar grids and listings AND you can create an rss feed of your event announcement posts. Contact the Web team if you want more information.

Meet the Faculty

This may have been the most complex application to rebuild and migrate. Right now, the display of information is problematic and there are some bugs. We are on it, and welcome you to bring on the suggestions! These difficulties notwithstanding, what IS cool about the new version is that faculty can draft their own bios,  display their social bookmarks, and show an RSS feed from their blog. This is definitely in beta right now so please hang in there. We’ll get there.

Meanwhile, if you want to try this out, go to your profile page in WordPress and give it a whirl. Login at, Then click on your name in the upper left, then click “Edit my Profile.”

Edit My Profile

Why Are You Changing it the Middle of a Semester?

The UMW Web site has never changed to so great a degree all at one time, and we do know how much it affects everyone. Many factors went into the choice of time to make this change. To have done this over the summer would have led to confusion to those returning to campus, to new students, their parents, and those supporting them. We tried to avoid times of high site use such as registration, family weekend, or the inauguration. In the balance, the best time was this past week, but in truth, it is never an easy time when you talk about such a large shift. It’s hard for all of us. Just know that we are listening, we hear you, and we’re doing our best to respond.

We are all adjusting to the change, and we appreciate your patience. The University Web team will be communicating with you directly as changes are made to improve the user experience for our community. Thank you — every last one of you!


  1. Erik Hansen says

    We need an easier way to get into email!

  2. Cathy Derecki says

    Dr. Hansen,
    Thank you for your feedback, and sorry for the difficulties this has caused. The way to email is different now, I know. However, aside from its being different, it is still one click away as it used to be — it’s just a different click. It used to be under “students/faculty/staff resources.” It’s now under Helpful LInks at the top of every page on the site. If you tell me what would make it easier for you, we’ll see what we can do. So sorry for the difficulties.

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