MyTime Is Live for Student, Wage Employees and Their Supervisors

POSTED 1/12/15 – 8:00 AM

MyTime is in effect starting today for all wage and student employees along with their respective supervisors.  ONLY wage, student employees and their supervisors should access MyTime at this time – all other employees will begin using MyTime in February.

MyTime will be accessible from the UMW homepage gray toolbar by selecting the MyTime icon, as well as, by swiping your EagleOne ID card at the MyTime time clock.  You can also access MyTime from this address:

Login to the MyTime site using your UMW Net ID and password.

MyTime instructional materials are located on the Payroll website:

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Help Desk @ (540)654-2255.

Updates, if needed, will be posted here and on our Twitter feed.

Thank you for your cooperation as the University moves forward with this important initiative.

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