WordPress 3.3 is here!

Wordpress 3.3 SonnyAs the administrators of UMW Blogs (the “Cool Kids”) will tell you, UMW.EDU administrators (the “Nerds”) are always the last kids on the block to get with the upgrades. But, we finally did it! WordPress 3.3 has some differences in the interface and it will take some adjusting. However, once you get used to the side navigation rollovers, you will never want to go back to that moldy old 3.2. And if you’ve been using UMW Blogs this semester, you’ve been using 3.3.

If you feel like you want to see a preview, head on over to the WordPress101 Videos where you can get the lay of the land, and see how the new interface differs from what you’ve been using. Remember, you’ll need to login to see these videos!

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